Portal, AZ - Rodeo, NM

Serving The Communities Of Portal and Rodeo  (www.portal-rodeo.com)

Weather - Precipitation

Meteorology versus Meteors

If a meteorologist studies weather, what do we call a person who studies meteors? In the days of ancient Greeks, meteorology was the study of the atmosphere, and anything that came out of it - rain, sleet, snow, hail. So, not too surprising that meteorology became the study of weather. But what about meteors? The science of meteors is called Meteorics. Accordingly, a student of meteors is a meteoriticist. A tongue twister to be sure.

Monthly Summary

Active weather pattern for the first half of May to bring breezy and dry conditions region wide. Long range models indicate high pressure ridge building toward the end of May and indicating a warmer start to the summer months.   

 There are equal chances for above normal, below normal or near normal for temperatures and precipitation for the month of May.

Check out the drought monitor (below) for March- Slightly Better!

Year Totals - 8 Sites Over 6 Years

Year Totals - 3 Sites Over 9 Years

Drought Monitor