Portal, AZ - Rodeo, NM

Serving The Communities Of Portal and Rodeo  (www.portal-rodeo.com)

Home Help

List Of Participants Able To Help (as of June 30, 2022)


Coni Hargrave

Contact info: 558-6341, cell 505-330-6341; hargraveconi@gmail.com

Qualifications: retired LPN (15 yrs. experience, includes rehab, wound care, work with dementia/stroke, live in)

Services: bedside care, household tasks, grocery shopping, meal prep, transport & accompany to appts

Fees: vary according to service needed

References: Deborah H, Delane, J. Cavalier, J. Cox, K Talbot


Courtney Dukelow



Services offered: 

—-Basic caregiving

—Help with organizing and tracking medication

—Bedside care

—Travel companion to and from appointments

—Grocery shopping


—Household chores

—Bathing and dressing help

—Food preparation and cooking

—Landscaping and gardening

—Exercise support and walks



Fees of services are negotiable and depend upon services requested and time commitments.

I have been in the healing profession for over 20 years. I volunteered for a massage and some caregiving support to those in hospice.  I took care of my former husband who had a major disability leaving him more than less bed bound for 8 years. I consider myself a natural caregiver.  I am available to those living in Rodeo, Portal, Paradise and Animas. References available upon request. Please call me if I you need any support. 541-535-2186


If you want to be listed as a Participant please submit the following information to:            htopoff@vtc.net

-Name, phone #, email

-Services offered 

-Provide brief description of experience/qualifications)

-Fees per hour, day (volunteer services always welcome), gas reimbursement if appropriate
