Serving The Communities Of Portal and Rodeo (
Home Security
If You Have An Emergency
If you are in Arizona and are calling from a cell phone, make sure you tell them you are in Arizona!!
The cell tower is in New Mexico. The call always goes to NM 911. They need to know where you are so the appropriate agency responds. A New Mexico Sheriff Deputy can't do anything for you in Arizona.
Border Patrol-Douglas
1608 Kings Highway
Douglas, AZ 85607
Tel: (520) 805-8106
Border Patrol-Willcox
1608 S Kings Hwy
Willcox, AZ 85643
Tel: (520) 384-7330
Sheriff Cochise County
205 North Judd Drive
Mile Post 345, Highway 80
Bisbee, Arizona 85603
Tel: (520) 432-9505
(800) 362-0812
Border Patrol-Lordsburg
441 Duncan Highway
Lordsburg, NM 88045-1231
Tel: (575) 654-6000
For non-emergency issues, concerns or questions, use the numbers below. Here are a few guidelines that may help.
Historically, the vast majority of illegal activity incidents was at the hands of illegal traffic passing through.
If the crime is against a person you should always call 911 first.
If the crime is against property, you can call Border Patrol directly using the numbers above.
Depending upon the circumstances you can also call Cochise County Sheriff's Office (CCSO).
Regardless of who you've called to report, tell them if have or will be calling other agencies!!
For those of us who have a history of involvement with law enforcement, emergency medical and fire, the Border Patrol agents responding are the true heros. They will always be first on scene to lend a sense of order and they like nothing better than to help YOU.