Portal, AZ - Rodeo, NM

Serving The Communities Of Portal and Rodeo  (www.portal-rodeo.com)

Portal Post Office

Monday - Friday 8:30 to 12:30  

Mail truck leaves at 12:00 to get back to San Simon in time for the Tucson truck.

Saturday is 10:00 to  11:00   I do hand out packages while I am there.

Phone number: 520-558-8888


Money orders -- money orders have to be paid for in cash.  MO's up to $500.00 are $2.00 and $500.01 to $1000.00 are $2.90. 

We can process overseas packages and a customs form must be filled out.  We then send them to San Simon for the tracking labels.

Historic Portal School/Post Office


The board of Directors of The Chiricahua Peloncillo Historical Society, in recognition of the historic significance of the Portal School/Post Office building and operations, has approved being a pass through for donations to support the operations of the Portal Post Office. Being a 501c3 non-profit, who’s mission is to collect, preserve, organize and share the human and natural history of our area, we feel this is an important project for our organization.

Donations should be written to The Chiricahua Peloncillo Historical Society with a notation that the funds are directly earmarked “for operations and maintenance of the Historic Portal School/Post Office” by the person making the donation. Please also indicate if you need a receipt for tax purposes.


Donations can be mailed to The Chiricahua Peloncillo Historical Society, PO Box 16194, Portal, AZ 85632

Community Update - October 24, 2023

Dear Community Members:

We would like to start by thanking everyone who donated to the Portal Community Post Office.  Your donations are keeping the office open and

running smoothly.  Kelly and Jody are doing a wonderful job but please remember they are still learning.   Please have patience as we work through

all the new way of doing things. In saying that remember the Portal Post Office this holiday season when mailing packages or buying Christmas stamps.

We have snow globe Christmas stamps on hand.  One of the requirements for an increase in the contact for the PO is we have to bring our revenue

up to show the main office that we need a post office in Portal.  Having said all that here is where we stand:

1.  We now have internet and a new phone number  520-558-8888

2.  A credit card machine for your mailing convenience

3.  Our new contract--Portal Community Post Office LLC.

4.  Insurance and a 10,000 bond for the Portal Community Post Office

5.  The office has been given a face lift--please stop by and see

6.  Continuing education and training on Postal regulations

7.  We pasted our audit on Friday with flying colors!!!!

The higher ups are looking for the meter machine that will make it easier on us when mailing packages.  

Ours services include:

Money orders

International mailings

Express mail 

as well as priority mail etc.

As a reminder the gofundme is still active.  It has raised 12,075